Bushfire Prone Planning nominated for Telstra Business Awards

Bushfire Prone Planning has been nominated for the prestigious Telstra Business Awards in the New Business Category. Now in their 24th year, the Telstra Business Awards are renowned for showcasing and celebrating the achievements and entrepreneurial spirit of Australia’s most brilliant small and medium-sized businesses. Providing bushfire risk management services across...
Read MoreBPP staff attend FPA Australia BPAD Level 2 and Level 3 Workshop (19th May)

The Western Australian Government has announced that Fire Protection Association Australia is now recognised as a Level 1, 2 and 3 accrediting body for bushfire practitioners operating in Western Australia. Four Bushfire Prone Planning (BPP) staff members attended a 1 day BPAD Level 2 and Level 3 workshop on the 19th...
Read MoreBPP Staff attend the 5th International Fire Behavior and Fuels Conference (Melbourne)

From the 11th – 15th April two BPP staff, Alex Aitken (Senior Bushfire Consultant) and Zigourney Nielsen (Bushfire Consultant) attended the 5th International Fire Behavior and Fuels Conference held in Melbourne, Australia. The conference presented a wealth of knowledge in both seminar presentations and field trips, in which Alex and...
Read MoreRequirement for BAL (Bushfire Attack Level) assessments on the construction of Garages, Sheds and Carports in Bushfire Prone Areas

If you are considering building a shed or doing building work in a designated bushfire prone area you may be required to comply with the bushfire construction requirements of the Building Code of Australia (BCA). This will require compliance with Australian Standard AS 3959 – Construction of buildings in bushfire prone...
Read MoreRequirement for BAL (Bushfire Attack Level) Assessments on the installation of Evaporative Air Conditioners

If you are considering installing a roof-mounted evaporative cooler in a designated bush fire prone area (WA) you need to have your property assessed for its level of bush fire risk as this will determine the appropriate level of protection that your evaporative cooler will require. https://www.commerce.wa.gov.au/publications/roof-mounted-evaporative-coolers Bush fire requirements for roof-mounted...
Read MoreBushfire provisions of the Building Code of Australia apply from today (April 8th 2016)

The bushfire construction requirements of the Building Code of Australia apply to all designated Bushfire Prone areas from today. The four month transitional period has ended (April 8th), applications for certain building approvals will require a BAL assessment and compliance with the bush fire construction requirements of the BCA. It is Bushfire...
Read MoreState-Wide BAL (Bushfire Attack Level) Assessments – Western Australia

Bushfire Prone Planning is a bushfire risk management company that prides itself on the ability to offer State-Wide BAL (Bushfire Attack Level) Assessments and Bushfire related services. Our Senior Bushfire Consultant Alex Aitken was in the City of Kalgoorlie-Boulder in the Eastern Goldfields last week (March 2016) completing a Bushfire Risk...
Read MoreBushfire Prone Planning (BPP) Staff Present at FPA Australia Bushfire Attack Level (BAL) Short Course Albany, WA

Two BPP staff members have presented at the FPA Australia (Fire Protection Association Australia) BAL Course in Albany (February/ March 2016). Both Mike Scott (BPP Co-director) and Sean Winter (BPP Bushfire Consultant) delivered sessions on a wide range of topics including: Bushfire behaviour, Bushfire planning and building legislative requirements in Western Australia, Assessing...
Read MoreBPP Staff Achieve FPA Australia BPAD Level 1 Accreditation

Several Bushfire Prone Planning staff attended the Fire Protection Association Australia BAL Course in late 2015- early 2016 . The course provides participants with the required skills, knowledge and ability to determine a Bushfire Attack Level and provide advice on the required construction provisions. 3 Bushfire Prone Planning staff members have...
Read MoreWhat is a BAL ? (Bushfire Attack Level)

A Bushfire Attack Level (BAL) is a means of measuring the severity of a building’s potential exposure to ember attack, radiant heat and direct flame contact. It’s measured in increments of radiant heat (expressed in kilowatts/m2). A BAL is the basis for establishing the requirements for construction (under the Australian Standard...
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